Studies prove that clutter in your home affects your mental health and ability to focus. When we allow things to overtake our homes, they require constant upkeep. If you notice yourself moving one item over and over, you might have a clutter problem. I try hard to stay organized to avoid clutter take over!
To stay on top of clutter, first examine the items in your home. Start with things out in the open. Check counters and floors. Evaluate every item for its usefulness. Start with things out in the open. Is it something you need to keep? If so, find a permanent home for it, or at a minimum, group it with like items to organize later. Donate or throw away unnecessary items. Find ways to display items that hold sentimental value. If left in a drawer or closet, you will overlook them. Storing unnecessary objects creates clutter, which leads to mental clutter. You might not see it, but your mind realizes its there. Once you have started this process, maintain it by examining everything that comes into your home and immediately taking care of it. Your goal is never touch something twice. Put it in its home the first time.
Next, you should establish routines for common chores. Think over your home and decide what tasks need to be done daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. Create a schedule that details these tasks, how often they should be completed, and when it was last completed. For example, a weekly task list might include vacuuming or laundry. Determine how often each chore should be done based on the number of people in your home, the time available, and what makes the biggest impact. In my house, keeping the counters clear encourages others to put things up instead of laying them down somewhere. They perceive that they are creating clutter, not just adding to it. Remember that even the youngest members can help with chores and assign them accordingly.
To keep organized, I prefer to know the exact length of time required to complete each task. Then, if I have an extra five minutes, I know I can sweep the kitchen floors. Knowing the exact time required eliminates time spent trying to select a task to complete. I consult my list to see unfinished items and have a general idea of the time necessary to complete the tasks. Also, make sure you keep the necessary cleaning tools and supplies handy. This small detail makes a huge difference if you have helpers! They don’t have to hunt for tools or come find you. They simply grab them and get started! Involving the family requires a little organization, but saves you time and teaches them how to reduce clutter themselves.
We have enough things going through our minds with our various roles. We do not need to add mental clutter from the physical clutter in our homes. By staying organized, I can free my mind for more important tasks and possibly some downtime!