Imagine, you’re preparing for an evening filled with food, fun, and merriment with friends and family, you have planned everything and cooked and cleaned. You have even rearranged the furniture to facilitate conversations and improve the flow of foot traffic. But just when you thought you had created a virtual dent in your hosting to-do list, you see a set of large dents in your carpet. These dents are known as divots and often occur when the furniture compresses the delicate fibers of your carpet for a long time. They’re not noticeable until you decide to rearrange your furniture. But luckily, you can decompress your carpet by trying any one of the three simple methods that require common household items to remove dents.
- The ice method
Those carpet dents could look weird and can destroy the look of your room. So to remove them, you can use Ice cubes! Yes, ice cubes can be used to get rid of carpet dents. Are you wondering how this is possible? Well, let’s show it to you. Take out some ice from your freezer.
Give dents the cold shoulder by putting a large ice cube directly in the carpet divot. Let the ice melt for at least a couple of hours and up to 12 hours for deeper dents. The water will engorge the carpet’s nap, which will bring it back to the same height of the surrounding areas. Clear out the excess water using a sponge. Then, use a spoon or coin to lift up those downtrodden carpet fibers.
- Blow dry method
Just the way a blow dryer adds body and volume to your hair, it can do the exact same with your carpet. Blow dryers can help carpet restore its original bounce while eradicating the dent that left its fibers lackluster and limp.
Regain that spring in your footstep and carpet by creating a beeline for the bath to collect a blow dryer and spray a water bottle. To saturate the carpet fibers, you need to spray the crushed area with water. Then, you need to use the dryer to blow-dry the damp area. As the carpet dries, you need to use your fingers to fluff up the fiber.
- Use the towel
Whenever people see a deeper divot threatening their carpet, they get tempted to throw in the problem, just to cover up the problem, with a small rug or more furniture. If you are one of those people who do this, then hey, wait! Don’t throw away your old towels because they can be used to help here. Use the old towel to get rid of those carpet dents permanently.
The eliminate even the deepest dents, place a damp towel or cloth directly on it. Set iron on the steam setting or on medium heat, and run it over the towel for a minute – but don’t let the iron directly touch the carpet as it could burn the carpet. Then, fluff it up or vacuum over the spot to get it back into its normal shape.