They call the dog “man’s best friend” but perhaps that should be changed to little boy’s best friend after a photo that recently went viral. The pictures depict a young boy on time out but he is not alone. The photo highlights the incredible relationship between a young boy and his dog and it has touched hearts around the world.
Peyton Smith is three years old, lives in Ohio and is a cheeky kid. When he acted out one night his mother had to punish him. He had been bold and mean to his sister so his mother Jillian Marie Smith gave him an ultimatum (she didn’t use that word, of course, he is only three). She asked him if he would prefer to be sent to his room or to go to the time out area. Peyton in his young wisdom chose the time out area. Perhaps he knew his presence would place some guilt on his mother, or perhaps he knew he would have a visitor.
Moments into his timeout Peyton was joined by Dash. Dash is the family’s 6-month-old English Mastiff. The pair are such great friends that Dash wouldn’t allow to suffer alone. As two members of a gang, or as Peyton prefers to think, like two superheroes, they would serve their time together. When his mother saw what was happening, she had to take a picture. She managed to capture a beautiful moment of Dash with his back turned to the camera and head pressed against the wall in quiet contemplation. Perhaps thinking of the bad deed that got him in such a position or perhaps thinking about his next bad deed as a way of getting back at his sister for telling. Beside him is Dash. Dash is facing to the side and we are able to witness a face that is heavy with burden despite having only been on this planet for 6 months. It is clear that Dash knows Peyton is in trouble and is not going to let him suffer alone. Peyton has one hand placed over the ear of Dash. A nod to their incredible friendship, recognition, and thanks for what Dash is doing for him and maybe just a little bit of stopping him from leaving if he was to get distracted by something else.
Jillian Marie posted the picture to her Facebook account as a simple update of a typical night in the Smith household. However, since the picture has been uploaded it has received 3,500 comments, 7,000 reactions, and an incredible 51,000 shares. It is clear that the world has fallen in love with both Peyton and Dash. The image is captioned “When you’re in time out but your best pal won’t let you serve your time alone ” and captures perfectly the brotherhood that has been formed in the short 6 month period.
The picture is reminiscent of a Norman Rockwell painting. The artist often captures iconic moments in everyday life and has often featured special moments between man and dog. An incredible bond that should be highlighted in art. Rockwell died in 1978 but we are certain if he was alive to see this picture he would be inspired to do more work.
The picture went viral because in a world of so much uncertainty it is a throwback to a more innocent time. It sheds a light on the beautiful little moments that take place in our lives every day. While it may not be an incredible bond between a dog and boy in your house, we are sure that if you take the time to notice, these moments are happening in your home too.